ProtoSTEP works for Industrials and Academic Research Laboratories in the three main phases of R&D: Conceptualisation (Proof of concept), Prototyping (Design of a product) and Innovation.

Conceptualisation phase

Conceptualisation allows our customers to think about the product specification in terms of feasibility and technical solution. We thus propose several approaches following the encountered study case:

  • an empirical approach based on the general knowledge and experienced skills
    • case of systems with well known database (sizing, materials, operating points, etc.)
  • an analytical approach based on the laws of Physics
    • case of linear systems with a limited number of variables
  • a numerical approach based on simulation allowing the computation of several variables interacting with each other
    • case of linear systems including a high number of variables or degrees of freedom
    • case of non-linear systems

Prototyping phase

Prototyping is the designing and manufacturing of a first version of a product. This step allows our customers to validate a proof of concept in the expected specification of product. ProtoSTEP helps its customers to reduce the development risks and costs, and thus the time to market, by building a ready to be tested virtual alpha-prototype including:

  • a multiphysics model validated from the results of simulation
    • COMSOL Multiphysics software
  • an enhanced CAD model built from the results of simulation
    • COMSOL Multiphysics and Solidworks softwares

With this solution, our customers can make and consider their first prototype as a beta-prototype, as close to the final version of product as possible and marketable.

Innovation phase

Innovation is built upon the two previous phases. It can be an upgrade of an existing technology, or it can also be the opportunity to deal with new specification of product. In this context, ProtoSTEP can :

    • search the related existing and/or pattented technologies
    • propose a proof of concept (Conceptualisation)
    • validate the related multiphysics model (Prototyping)